Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Twas the Night Before Christmas...for a child with no family
I am 'borrowing' this from my friend.. Thank you friend.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land
there are parentless children, with no toys in hand
No stockings to be hung by the chimney with care
no hopes for a family soon to be there
Their beds are not snug--but cold and quite bare
there are no goodnight kisses--no one to care
While we in our homes, laughing in delight
all settle down for a Merry Chistmas Eve night
When in someone's heart--there arises a clatter
there are children in need--who's lives really DO matter!
Away to the computer please go in a flash
to see the sweet face with whom YOU could be matched!
While a child you see--their beautiful face all aglow
could this be MY child--could I already know??
When in the dreams of the orphan--what always appears
is a family to love them, to care and hold dear
As you stare at that child--your heart beats real quick--
for you know in your heart that sweet face will stick
More dreams sweet children have--to call parents by name-
come mama! come daddy! come family to claim!
To the ends of the earth--your heart seems to call
now child--I'm coming--I wish for you ALL!
So on a plane to your child--over rooftops you flew
to hold this dear soul--a wish did come true
And then in a twinkling-I saw through the door
this child of my heart-that was waiting no more
As I got my camera and was turning around-
into my arms did she come with a bound!
She was dressed in many layers from her head to her foot
and into my heart her life was just put
there was no round face--no plump little belly
just sad little eyes, and legs shaking like jelly
In a swirl of a pen, and a stamp and a seal
my world became brighter--like I could suddenly feel!
We spoke not a word--they weren't needed at all
and I knew in this moment where I got this call
God layed his hands on my heart--and to the occasion I rose
and He could do it for you--this question He'll pose.....
It won't be a shout--no not even a whistle
it won't be real clear--but faint like a whisper
Can you make room in your heart--if you try with your might?
And make a difference for one--help them see the light?
I can see you exclaim as you hold your child tight--
Thank you Lord for this gift--you got it EXACTLY right!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Day 59...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Half LOA
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY Jing Jing...
We celebrated YOU on Saturday…we went to PFChangs and had Chinese and sang happy birthday to you. We met another family who had just come home with their 10 year old daughter Isabelle from Guangzhou…she was beautiful and said I spoke Mandarin well…I have been practicing just for you.
Your sister ate with chopsticks all by herself and I did too…Daddy tried a little too. We can’t wait for our first trip to eat Chinese together as a family…so many first to experience with YOU. It is starting to sink in that soon we will be on our way to you…there was a time when we thought we might not ever be a family and we waited what seemed to be an eternity for Ellie Lu and so many things changed during that time that we really thought there was no way for us to ever return to China to adopt again and add to our family.
Your Daddy just kept asking do you think it is possible that we might could go back…I didn’t have the heart to tell him no so one day I inquired and that started our journey to you…but really I think it started several years ago right before you were born….while we were waiting for Ellie Lu we were selected by a birth mother to adopt her baby boy…it was the middle of November 2007…it was crazy how in the world could we adopt a baby boy and then turn right around and travel to China…we didn’t question anything we just accepted what was before us and had faith…well it didn’t work out…the birth mother changed her mind and we didn’t adopt that baby boy….little did we know that you were born just a few days after that big disappointment in our life and that one day our lives would be brought together.
On the day you were born I traveled with friends to go shopping and my heart was broken for I didn’t know if we would ever be a family, but I had faith and I kept hoping and praying that one day soon we would receive news and we would travel to China and we would become a family….little did I know what a blessing was taking place you were being born and for reasons that I may never know your birth mother chose to put you in a very special place so that you could be found and taken care of and on that very day the journey began.
Just when we thought there was no way for us to be matched with another daughter our phone rang and we were presented with your information…how could it be…how could we be so lucky to be chosen to be your parents…we are so thankful that God’s plan for us was bigger than we could have imagined and that he prepared us and allowed us to hope and dream even when it seemed there was no way our dreams could come true….well on May 26th our dream came true…we were matched with you and we have so much to look forward to and so much to experience with you …hang tight little one your foster family will take care of you until we are given permission to travel to bring you home…until then we just count the days and continue to dream of all that is possible….with FAITH!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Here is how things normally work…anywhere between day 60 and 90 we could get what is called LOA this gets the ball rolling as far as travel goes, see what the acronyms mean here…
So since we were logged in October 20, 2009 day 60 would be December 19th…so I suppose we could wish for LOA for Christmas…then on the upper end day 90 would be…February 17th which would be a belated Valentine’s gift.
Once the LOA is signed and returned it is usually 80 – 90 more days until you actually are united with your child in China…it used to be closer to 60 prior to the Hague process…so it is really important that we get our LOA…once we have it we will have a much better idea on when we could travel for example…if we got LOA on December 19th then travel would likely be around March 19th…but if LOA does not come until February 17th then we would not likely travel until mid May….we can’t wait to meet our little “peanut” so hopefully everything will move along quickly.
Now of course anything could come up to delay all of this…so continue to pray for our little one she turns 2 on November 17th and although she is in foster care….we want her to be with her forever family as soon as possible.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our Little Ladybug is growing...
Height :77.5cm =30 1/2 inches she has grown 3 inches since May
Weight :9.5kg = 20.9 pounds she has grown 3 pounds since May and is over 20 pounds now
Head :45cm = 17.7 inches
Chest :46cm = 18.1
Feet :12cm = 4.7 inches almost a size 5 foot
Teeth:16 she has 8 more teeth since May
- She can run
- She can use a spoon to eat food
- She can count one
- When she watches TV,she copies dance part a lot
- She also can wave bye
- She is not picky with her food, she loves to eat tomato,grapes ,but she does not like to eat apple
- She also loves to play with balls
- She knows how to go to the toilet by herself
- When her foster mom does laundry,she will get a small chair and set on her side
- She is a very sweet child .
She will soon be 2 years old and it breaks my heart to know what we are missing, but in the bigger picture we will have a lifetime of memories together and she is in a family environment and you can tell she is loved by them and we already love her. Counting the days until we are together....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Gift...

There were pajamas and a soft blanket for Ladybug II and a stuffed "hello kitty", then tea and candies and cookies for her foster family and a disposable camera and a letter with photos of us...her first time seeing us.
This view makes me think there might have been 2 cameras...I can't even imagine what it will be like if we get some new photos or updated information...she will be 2 in one month.
Friday, October 9, 2009

I-800 approved: additional steps for I800 process
TA: Travel Approval, after the CCAA receives signed LOA, they will issue TA. Once we have travel approval we will travel fairly quickly usually within a month.
CA: additional steps for I800 process
Travel Dates:

Thursday, October 8, 2009
What Does It Mean...the Acronyms...
PAP: Prospective adoptive parent
AP: Adoptive parent
SW: Social worker
DTC: Date to China - date dossier was sent to CCAA in China
LID: Log in Date - date CCAA registered receipt of dossier
NSN: Non Special Needs - what the healthy child program is called
SN: Special Needs - “children with medical needs” program
WC: Waiting Child - new term used for older child or child with medical needs and Special Needs program
SWI: Social Welfare Institute - this is what the orphanage is called. There are often disabled and older adults living in SWI’s as well
CWI: Children’s Welfare Institute - this would be an orphanage strictly for children under the age of 16
LOI: Letter of Intent - letter issued by PAP to CCAA asking to adopt an identified WC, outlining understanding of need and care plan
PA: Pre-Approval - issued by CCAA to PAP approving LOI contingent upon approval of dossier
LOA/LSC: Letter of Acceptance/Letter Seeking Confirmation - formal approval of LOI signed by PAP’s confirming adoption of WC
TA: Travel Approval - sent to PAP when all immigration docs are ready and child is made ready by SWI
CA: Consulate Appointment - this is when the official adoption ceremony and appointments for visa & medical exam are confirmed. The travel itinerary is based on this date
Monday, October 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ladybug II...some details

- She is in foster care since 9 months of age.
- She was born on November 17, 2007 which was a she is 78 days younger than Ellie Lu.
- Her Chinese name means "talent girl"
- At birth she was 19.7 inches tall and weighed 7.4 pounds
- At 1 year old she was 26.6 inches tall and weighed 16.5 pounds
- "You Jingjing is a beautiful girl. She has bright and black pearl-liked eyes. She likes glance this way and that and is interested in everything."
- At approximately 18 months old she was 27.6 inches tall and weighed 17.6 pounds and had 8 teeth and a tiny size 4 foot...she is a tiny little sprout.
Monday's child is fair of face.
You are good-looking, especially when you smile!
You are beautiful inside and out.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
You have many talents, and are fun to be around.
You dance through life!
Wednesday's child is full of woe.
You are a serious person, and try to change things that seem unfair.
You make the world a better place!
Thursday's child has far to go.
You have many ideas, and you want to do them all.
You will go far in life!
Friday's child is loving and giving.
You are caring and sharing. You are kind,
you love people, and people love you!
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
You are ambitious, enjoy work, and like to accomplish things.
You know what you want!
But the child born on the Sabbath day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay.
You are sunny, fun, and loving.
You bring much joy to other people!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Getting far as paperwork is concerned
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Is it Different?
That doesn't mean it is not hard is hard waiting. We have a picture of a child that will be our daughter...she is growing and changing every day...yet the photos show her at 12 months and 18 months...yet we wait. We know who she is...we know where she is...but we have to go thru the process which is lengthy and involved and involves the passage of time. I have always wondered how families who were part of this process where you get a picture first and then they coped and now I know...
Most families who receive that picture up front are not first time parents...most have a least one child at home and others may have many children. My point is they are very busy...they are parents...they aren't waiting to be parents. Either way it is still hard...this time I feel guilty that I don't have endless hours to document every minute doesn't mean that I anticipate this journey less...I just don't have endless time. We have photos of Ladybug II in our home, we talk about her at meals, we pray for her and yes we have shopped a bit for her too.
We also wonder...about her health, is she growing and developing...what have we missed? We can't dwell on the things we just can't control we can only anticipate what is to come...we anxiously wait for the day the FedEx man arrives with our LOA and we are invited to come to China to complete our family....we still have several months ahead of us...preparations to make, and much time to wonder and anticipate this new addition to our family and yes it is different...most things are the 2nd time around...not less special, not easier or harder...just different.
- August 31, 2009 received our I797c...
- Dossier almost ready for sending to China...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Fingerprinting Appointment...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Flooding in Southern China...
Finally yesterday I was able to send off our I-800a application all 9 pages of it with the fee and our supporting oh my... now we wait for a fingerprinting appointment then approval. Some wait months and others I have heard jump thru this hurdle pretty quickly...I hope we are one of those...cross your fingers and say a prayer. Meanwhile other paperwork is being sent off to Nashville and Texas, Michigan and Kentucky to get state authenticated and then once that is all done we need to get authenticated in DC....I hope so much we can be DTC in September and then it would be 6- 8 months until travel.
Everyday our little Ladybug II is growing and changing and we just can't wait to hold her in our arms and look into her eyes and tell her how much she is loved....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Answered Prayers...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Waiting To Hear...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Will There Be a Ladybug II?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Update...Will There Be a Ladybug II?
Mind you I got the message on Saturday around 2:30 I was absolutely first I was thinking "referral"...I know crazy how can we get a referral if we "technically" are no longer then when I began to think logically I realized she likely will be telling us whether there is any flexibility for us to possibly still receive a referral.
I am thinking it may be good news as she did have an uplifting tone to her voice...but at the same time there is really no reason to believe any "flexibility" would be we wait...but maybe on Tuesday we will know something...and really it would be great to receive some good news...but at the same time....we are glad we pursued this opportunity...we always knew there were no guarantees...if we are meant to be more than a family of will happen...if not it won't...but life will still be very full and with or without another addition to the family...we wait....tick tock...tick tock...tick tock...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Will there be a "Ladybug II"?.....

In a message dated 5/18/2009 2:45:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, EDFKnox writes:
Dear "B",
We last spoke to you the first week of April when we had been informed by "M" that many of the children in the child of promise program had notations that "family dossier must already be in China". When I spoke to you I understood better what was taking place and you explained that you were trying to seek more information and possibly seeking an extension on those families that this may cause them to be ineligible.
Yesterday Mel turned 55 and of course we celebrated, but we also spoke about this milestone possibly being the end of a expand our family so that Ellie Lu might have a sibling. Please let us know where we stand with regard to the "child of promise option" and a match. Our hearts are ready to be matched and we are about to celebrate a year as parents and would be overjoyed to begin a new journey. We are making progress on our dossier and would like to know if we should continue as well. Thanks.
Thank you so much for checking in! We were not able to secure a child in this most recent group for you. But we have not forgotten. Please let me check with our overseas staff to see if there is flexibility in the regulations to allow you to be matched, now that Mel is 55. The issue may be the age of child, and I know you are hoping to bring in the next child younger than your little girl. I will keep you posted. Thanks,
Our vision... Finding Families for Children
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Bend in the Road...PRAY!
"I just wanted to touch base with you to see how your dossier documents are coming along. Probably you already know that under the CCAA's new regulation, the only option for you is to adopt a child through CCOP before Melvin turns 55. We have received the Child Medical Condition Check List but we are unable to match you at this point. Because the CCAA asking us to match a child to a family whose dossier is already in China if the child is with minor or correctable medical condition. If you could update me your dossier status that will be great. So we would know where you are at this point. If you need any help with the dossier process, feel free to contact me. I will be happy to assist you in completing your dossier as soon as possible. "
So you may say...what is the big deal...the big deal is our dossier is NOT in China and we had been told they could match us with "JUST" our home study...which would allow us additional time to get our dossier completed and then send the match and dossier to China together.
After receiving the email I called the gal who sent it and then she proceeded to explain the situation...NOT VERY WELL...she said that in February they began seeing children with a notation "family must already have dossier in China". She then began to try to find out if we would accept an older child or a child with more needs than we had indicated on our checklist. I had to stop her at that point...we have been moving forward in this process with encouragement and guidance and for some reaason some 2 months later we are informed of a change....basically I said I know there are children that meet our criteria and they are waiting for a family...I also know that if they and the CCAA want children to have a family they have to make it happen.
She suggested that I speak to "BS" the lady who we have spoken with all along who had encouraged us and guided us down this path. I left her a message and asked her to call...all the while feeling like the whole process was "derailed" and that, but for some papers or signatures or "red tape" a child would have a family sooner verses later.
The phone rang it was heart sunk as I had to tell him what was going on. He took it well, but all the while I knew his heart was breaking with the knowledge that the dream and hope of adding another child to our family a sister or brother for Ellie Lu likely would not happen. It was more than I could handle to tell him and for the first time since getting the email I just sobbed. My friend Jeannie was with me and she just hugged me and said "don't give up".
Something came over me and I thought NO we are not giving up. I know that it can happen, it is possible, someone somewhere can make this happen. WE just need to let them know.....we are ready to meet our daughter or find them. We later had our call returned by "BS" and she was very encouraging and said that they are working diligently to understand the meaning of this new "rule" and also to inform the CCAA of the families they have in process waiting for a match.
So where to do YOU come in...PRAY...PRAY LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER PRAYED BEFORE...PRAY that this dear child that is waiting for a family is presented to those who can make it happen. PRAY that our dossier is completed quickly and somehow...someway...."Ladybug II comes home".
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It Matters...

Monday, April 6, 2009
Reality check...
A few minutes later I was holding Ellie Lu and Lia wanted to join us...they are 6 months apart in age, so I picked Lia up and oh my Ellie Lu did not want any part of her Momma holding anyone else. Eventually she warmed up to it and actually gave Lia a sweet.

Friday, March 27, 2009
I have thought about how it is different alot. We couldn't anticipate bringing a child home anymore than we do...but I think we are just guarding our hearts as it may not happen, but today I saw something a sweet little outfit at Gymboree and of course it had ladybugs on it and it was a "layette" type outfit...after we received Ellie Lu's referral I bought her a few similar things from Baby Gap...anyway I almost let myself buy these sweet little "threads" because the feeling I got imagining dressing "Ladybug II" was such a real and full feeling...but I had restraint and the clerk said they would likely have them until there is time. I wouldn't want to buy something special like that until we know who our ladybug is...anyway it felt good thinking beyond the paperwork to actually being in China and meeting our little "bug".
Was up very late last night sending off for certified birth, marriage and divorce documents. Then I worked on our application letter and started a binder. I can't believe I just started the binder...oh my you should see the filing system I put in place for Ellie Lu's adoption of course once we got her referral...everything went to pot I am still catching up...will the paper ever end.
I need to send off my employment letter to Texas and get it authenticated and I need to have all or doctors fill out a different form for our we used the home study form and we need to use the form required for our dossier...we just have a few things to get notarized locally and then I need to get them authenticated in Nashville and then off to Washington.
Well I guess there are now 51 days until Mel's birthday....we wait...we hope...we dream...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Medical Needs Checklist...
Here are some places we went to get more information on Cleft Lip and Palate, Heart conditions, Club foot, Rickets and Strabismus. At this point our agency will search the shared lists when it is released and look for a child with a condition that we have indicated we are prepared for. They will then contact us and we will have a short period of time to accept this referral and meet with physicians to put a plan of therapy together to meet the medical needs of the child. That will be submitted to the CCAA and if it is accepted then our dossier will be forwarded for approval and then we would wait for travel approval...without any knowledge of how often the list is available or how often it is updated we really have no idea if we could be matched in the short period of time that is available...we hope.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Please pray...Ladybug II